
2023 Renewal of the Construction General Permit (CGP) TXR150000

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) recently issued the renewed Construction General Permit (CGP) TXR150000 on March 5, 2023. Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) regulates all construction activities within the State of Texas under the CGP and focuses on stormwater compliance for activities which disturb one (1) or more acres of soil.

Existing permittees have 90-calendar days or until June 3, 2023, to renew their specific CGP. Permittees are required to submit a renewal Notice of Intent (NOI) or Low Rainfall Erosivity Waiver (LREW), using the online e-permitting system STEERs; or submit a notice of Termination (NOT) if authorization is no longer needed.

If your current construction project will continue after March 5, 2023, you need to submit a renewal Notice of Intent (NOI). Additionally, you must also revise your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3/SWPPP) to meet new permit requirements.
TCEQ has mailed out a Renewal Postcard to existing Construction Operators with prior CGP authorization as a friendly reminder of the renewed permit.

Will the project disturb 5 or more acres? Is the project part of a Larger Common Plan of Development? Do you need assistance preparing and updating the SWP3/SWPPP to meet the new permit requirements? Contact our Permitting Team for your needs.

To view more detailed information, please visit the TCEQ website


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