
Bridgestone Municipal Utility District


DURATION 5 min read

Quiddity supports the Bridgestone Municipal Utility District by establishing the first steps on their Asset Management journey. Asset Management (AM) is a systematic process of deploying, operating, maintaining, upgrading, and disposing of assets cost-effectively and efficiently. The aging water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer infrastructure demand appropriate renewal, repair, and replacement strategies to provide the highest level of service to the Client. This can be accomplished by identifying the highest-risk assets and the best operation, maintenance, and capital improvement plan investment strategies.


Benefits of Having an Asset Management Program

There are several benefits with having this program, including but not limited to the following:


  • Capital deferment
  • Budget setting and/or justification
  • Capital works prioritization
  • Data that can be used in the production of deterioration curves (for some asset types)
  • Ability to predict the probability of failures
  • Demonstration of asset stewardship and the ability to adopt more favorable financial reporting approaches


  • Extension of asset Life (when subsequent work is undertaken following the assessment)
  • Reduced risk-cost associated with a reduction in unanticipated asset failure (including avoidance of social and environmental impacts)
  • Better management of life cycle cost and more effective capital planning and budgeting
  • Improved productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness
  • Improved availability of assets and levels of service
  • Improved financial analysis

Asset Management Roadmap Summary

To successfully implement the Client’s AM Program, we need to develop a strategy that will gradually answer the EPA’s five (5) AM core questions, which are outlined below:

  • What is the current state of my assets?
  • What is my required level of service?
  • Which assets are critical to sustained performance?
  • What are my best operations and management investment and capital investment plan strategies?
  • What is my best long-term funding strategy?

To effectively answer these questions, we developed a six (6) level-phased approach utilizing the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ten-step process. The proposed EPA’s ten-step process is a well-established methodology. It will be used as our general implementation framework.  

The preliminary AM dashboard, which was created for Bridgestone’s AM program, can be found below. The dashboard is a digital representation of the findings and data obtained utilizing the Asset Management Roadmap.






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