Reclaimed Water System Phase I & II
CLIENT Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District No. 151 (Firethorne)
PROJECT COST $3,059,845 ($629,782 for offsite reclaimed waterlines)
LOCATION Fort Bend County, TX
April 2019
Fort Bend County, TX
Wastewater Treatment
Water Supply and Treatment
(2) 320,000
The FBCMUD 151 Reclaimed water system was constructed in two phases from 2015 to 2019. Phase I consisted of design of 1,400 Linear Feet (LF) of 6-inch reclaimed water from the District’s WWTP to existing irrigation connections around the District’s detention and amenity pond(s). Phase II consisted of 6,600 LF of 8-inch reclaimed waterline line to a separate amenity pond. Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District No. 151 desired to modify their existing WWTP to treat Type I reclaimed water and use this water for irrigation purposes throughout the District. Preliminary design consisted of a route assessment and determination of project phasing. Phasing included consideration of “at pressure” connections to irrigation systems as well as controlled discharge into existing and future amenity ponds for maintaining desirable water levels. Quiddity also coordinated with TCEQ to acquire the 210 reclaimed water permit.
The on-site facilities included two cloth media filters sized for the ultimate 1.2 MGD capacity of the WWTP, two submersible transfer pumps inside the filter basin to convey water to two 320,000-gallon galvanized bolted ground storage tanks, four vertical turbine pumps and piping as the primary conveyance method through each pipeline. The filter basin was constructed inside the existing hydraulic profile of the WWTP outfall to prevent any additional pumping facilities from being needed. Turbidimeters and process control instrumentation was installed for all process areas. The project included two (2) crossings of drainage channels by trenchless construction in steel casing. 2,500 LF of the project alignment was along and within a pedestrian hike and bike trail. 2,000 LF was along North Firethorne Road. 1,000 LF was along the frontage of the CoA’s Community Association and Recreation Center. These alignments required extension pedestrian and traffic control to mitigate impact to the community.
Associated Project Members
Kyle Kaspar, PE, ENV SP
Water and Wastewater
Learn More About Kyle
Grady Turner, PE, Senior Project Manager
Water Distribution and Treatment
Learn More About Grady