
Laser Scanning in Action: Why the Surveying Method is an Effective Way to Jump-Start Infrastructure Projects


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Laser scanning surveying is a useful technique that allows a small, or single-person survey crew to capture large amounts of data in a short amount of time. With this method, a one-man crew is typically all you need to cover an entire job site. The method is also minimally disruptive, and with a smaller crew and less equipment, data can be gathered for an entire site without interrupting normal operations.

Our team Is always looking for innovative ways to improve the communities around us. From hospitals looking to expand to schools making improvements, such projects have benefited greatly from the use of this surveying technique.

Laser Scanning in Action:

Private Hospital:

Two Houston hospitals sharing building space required a resurvey of the external and internal boundaries. Hospital operations could not be halted to allow a more traditional survey crew in the building.  Additionally, survey crews generally require at least two members and, for the hospital, the fewer contractors in their building, the better.

Using laser scanning surveying, a single member of our team was able to rapidly collect data on 11 floors in two weeks with no impact on normal hospital operations.  One of the floors contained a pathology lab requiring zero contact with surfaces and equipment. The surveying method allowed the one-man crew to capture data for the area in one hour while hospital employees continued to work.




Community College:

A community college was looking to improve drainage and flood-proof portions of the campus. They wanted the project completed quickly to minimize disruption to the learning environment.

A one-man crew scanned four and a half acres in one and a half days. He collected a significant amount of survey-grade data and high-quality images of the facades of four campus buildings, pathways, and utilities, all of which can be used for projects beyond flood control.

Industrial Project:

A lime plant in North Texas wanted to update its kiln process and add safety features. Because of the complexity of the unit, a laser scan survey was requested for its ability to collect large volumes of data in a short amount of time.

Three levels of the kiln were scanned in a day and a half. The one-man crew collected data for a 3D model of the building’s steel frame and relevant equipment, a processed point cloud, and a viewer file with 360° images.

What are the Benefits of Laser Scanning?

Laser scanning surveying offers a range of benefits, including:

Data – This surveying technique collects a large amount of data. Developers can virtually access the data and photographic records for assessment of information such as measurements and utility locations. Having access to this information offers greater potential for a faster turnaround for future projects.

Time – The excess of information can be collected in a short amount of time and without disruption. At the hospital, for instance, our scanning expert was able to collect information on equipment, door sizing, piping, and floor materials in addition to data for the initial project.

Safety – This surveying technique allows for a smaller crew and minimal site disruption. The holistic data collection and the ability to access and analyze data virtually also cuts down on the potential of repeat trips to a site.


Quiddity is dedicated to finding effective solutions that improve the communities where we live and work. Check out our Surveying page to learn more about the surveying services we offer for Texas communities.

Quiddity is dedicated to finding effective solutions that improve the communities where we live and work. Check out our Surveying page to learn more about the surveying services we offer for Texas communities.


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